Susan’s enthusiasm and energy is electric. From her first event she stood out – wholeheartedly volunteering for most any and everything she could. Not only does she go above and beyond herself, but she also brings along with her to nearly each and every event literally a team of Marines and Sailors who are also amazing volunteers. We could go on and on all day singing her praises, but perhaps it’s better to hear from Susan herself, in her own words:


“I found AccesSurf when my partner Tony and I attended a Wounded Warrior Day at the Beach.  We had just moved to the island and he wanted to get in the water.  Everyone was so kind and genuine!  It meant more to me than you all ever knew.  My mom was a quadriplegic and being around people with varying abilities was like being home.  She loved the ocean – and I know how much it means for our participants to have the access to it that we make possible.  So – Tony wanted to learn to surf , and I wanted to be around this loving crazy crew, so we started volunteering as much as we could.  And as a disabled vet – we both feel it is more important to continue to give back, not just receive.
I have been volunteering for almost 2 years now – not very long, but literally my favorite part of living here!  So much so, that I opened up AccesSurf DATB as a volunteer opportunity to the Single Marine and Sailor Program I work for, and it is the first roster to fill up each month.
I want to make sure that anyone who wants beach and ocean time has that opportunity!”