Whether it’s Day at the Beach, Wounded Warrior DATB, a swim clinic, a special program or event then you’ll find Deb and her radiant smile (see pictures below) there front and center – and behind the scenes! It’s kind of amazing just how dedicated Deb is and how much of her time, energy, stoke, and love she shares with us here at AccesSurf. Also, we just have to mention how much work she put in to make our silent auction at this years fundraiser such a massive success. Deb, thank you so much for all that you do! With that, here is Deb in her own words sharing a bit about AccesSurf:

I was introduced to AccesSurf a couple of years ago by a friend who had been volunteering for many years. After returning from abroad I was looking for an opportunity to help and serve my community.
After meeting Mark Marble at a bbq I was convinced that I as a non-surfer, could somehow help out at Day at the Beach.
That first Day at the Beach I was hooked. It was an experience bigger than just swimming and chatting with participants. There is a immense feeling of joy amongst all who participate. The stoke is contagious, and I left that day knowing I’d be back every month.
For me, AccesSurf represents joy and freedom. As a volunteer with ASH, I’ve learned to reconnect with the ocean and have even started surfing. I’m so grateful for my AccesSurf ohana! “