Tell us a little about yourself 
Kristina, I’m from Maryland and stationed at Schofield
How and when you hear about or start with Accessurf?
I heard about access surf soon after moving to Hawaii but didn’t know if it was something I could do. I hadn’t surfed in a long time due to my injuries and didn’t think I’d qualify for their help. When I was moved to a medical recovery unit it was offered as an activity and I decided to give it a shot and see if my condition had improved at all.
What does AccesSurf mean to you? 
Access surf means a lot to me; the environment is positive and welcoming and the coaches helped me get back on a board again. They helped me paddle out at first and now I can apply the tools I’ve learned to manage my symptoms so I can enjoy surfing again. Surfing feels like freedom and I feel so at home in the water.

What is your favorite AccesSurf memory? 

My favorite access surf memory was catching my first wave after not surfing for two years (which is also when I first learned). It all came right back and I surprised myself remembering and being able to manage my injuries better. It was a relief and felt amazing that I had something so awesome available to me again.
Anything you want to say to our AccesSurf ‘ohana? 
AccesSurf and it’s volunteers are definition Aloha. It’s a great environment with uplifting people. Perfect for learning something new and for connecting with the ocean!