We may not be able to be together in person right now but can still keep connected with each other and share great stories.
Many of you know Eliana and have had the pleasure of hearing her stories and songs on the water at Day at the Beach. Watching her grow and become the surfer girl she is today has been such a joy!
Read more about Eliana and her adventures…
AccesSurf: Where to begin. Eliana Fong, now 6 years old and a first grader at Waikiki Elementary started with AccesSurf when she was about 3 years old.
Eliana was born totally blind but through the incredible guidance and assistance of so many, she has grown to be a gifted, funny, healthy, incredibly smart and talented beautiful little girl. Eliana is super smart, never forgets anything, is very good at reading Braille and reads at levels beyond her age. She is truly gifted at the piano and now playing the violin. Her favorite thing to do each month no doubt, spot on, is AccesSurf. To hit the waves with her favorite surfers and the share in the experience of the beautiful ocean she has learned to love so much. As you all know, if you have taken her out on your board, you will get worked to stay for a million waves! She will tell you incredible stories and adventures the entire time, all the while excited and overjoyed to be on the board in the Ocean riding waves.
Honestly, AccesSurf has brought a lot out of Eliana and she soooooo loves her time with the staff and volunteers. She is and lives her life in Hawaii as a Surfer Girl and can play a mean beach boys version of Surfer Girl. We are with her in the Ocean often. We have also traveled to many places around the world with her and experienced great adventures but none even those super experiences can replace her excitement that AccesSurf brings to her. Aunties (In her loving order of preference of course) Christiana, Shaina and the token male Uncle Patrick, who give so much of their time and care along with the entire AccesSurf crew have been a big part of bringing out so much of her personality, her love of the ocean and the waves, and cultivating her “risk taker” personality.
Thank you AccesSurf and each and every one of you that participate in this great organization.