Leah has been a SOLID foundation for our non-profit since the beginning and continues to be even now. Though she has moved off island, her presence is so strong, it’s as if she’s always with us. She takes time off to fly over to help plan, prep, and run the Hawaii Adaptive Surfing Championship every year and we don’t know what we would do without her. There is not a whole lot to be said, as this mana wahine’s actions speak louder than words. We are so thankful for you Leah and we love you so much!

Tell us a little about yourself

Leah Johnson Moore  born Durango CO and currently living there now. Love to do fun things outdoors like hiking, biking, SUPing, rafting, snowboarding and growing food, mushroom foraging, and making pickles, jams and other delicious treats from the garden.

How and when did you hear about Accessurf?

I heard about AccesSurf in the beginning of 2006 from Mark Matheson (a massage client and friend who is in a chair). He had gone to an event and thought I would like it. I lived in Hawaii for 14 years, and for almost 7 of them, I never missed a Day at the Beach. I was hooked, line and sinker.
What does AccesSurf mean to you?
I feel teared up just thinking about how much AccesSurf means to me. It has always brought me joy, purpose and fulfillment. Now, not living in Hawaii it still brings me that and more. It is a lifelong community that I get to be a part of and feel like there is a place I always can belong to. Helping others really ends up helping yourself, so everytime I’m with AccesSurf and it’s people, I feel like I am helping myself be a happier, better person. 
What is your favorite AccesSurf / HASC memory?
– I have so many, not sure I can pick one. Everyday with AccesSurf brings an amazing moment (at least one!). The smiles of the participants can fill up your heart, seeing my Bennett always fills me up.
– I think for HASC this year it would be seeing all the love that surrounded our friend Mark Mono Stewart and his cancer that he thought was going to take him out. He came to say goodbye to his people and we said NO! We surrounded him with so much love and joy that his cancer shrank and he is looking at a long life ahead of him. That is the power or AccesSurf and the love behind it.

Anything you want to say or share with our AccesSurf ‘ohana?

Just want to say thank you for keeping everything going and just making things even better. This organization and the community it has created is very important and not only to the participants, but also to the volunteers. When I’m feeling down, or depressed (which happens to us all) I know a place I can go or people I can reach out to that always make me feel better. I need AccesSurf in my life and I thank you for the endless work you all do to keep things moving, growing and changing.