My name is Tobi Cook and I am beyond proud to be participant of the month! I moved to Oahu in 2019 from Boise,Idaho, after living 34 years in Texas. I am loving retirement life with my beautiful wife, Jenny and our 2 fur babies.

I first heard about AccesSurf in 2019 through Wounded Warrior Project event. I served 17 years in the army as an MP and was part of the first wave attack in Iraq providing convoy security.

I wanted to learn how to surf but never thought I would be able to with my challenges. After feeling that “first time” power of the wave underneath my board I was hooked! AccesSurf means I am unlimited and I can surf in a safe, controlled space with no excuses. AccesSurf means I have a community and I am acknowledged and unconditionally loved.

My favorite AccesSurf memory was all the laughs I had spending the day with AccesSurf filming for a tv show. There is nothing better than wiping out on my board, swallowing some of the ocean and then sharing a hug with a laughing Shania!

Some interesting facts about me would be I taught 13 years of high school biology. I was a high school basketball referee for 30 years. I officiated 4 state championships and officiated 4 years of college basketball.

I love to read, watch Survivor, do puzzles, crafting and volunteer at a healing garden.

I believe the ocean, the aina, ohana, and aloha have all brought me healing and peace. I can get all of this in a one stop shop with AccesSurf!