Ella! We just love Ella’s energy and passion for being in the water. The smiles that shines off her face when she’s surfing with her buddy KK is second to none! We love having her and look forward to watching her grow!
Here is more from Ella herself:
Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Ella Swanson and I am 12 years old. I am a really good swimmer and love to surf.
How did you get started with Accessurf?
We learned about Access Surf about five years ago when my older sister, Lina,  was a senior in high school, and did a project about how saltwater heals.
What does AccesSurf mean to you?
For me, it is a place that offers all different people the chance to surf. It is helpful.
What is your favorite AccesSurf memory?
KK  is my favorite surfing instructor.  She really helped me with balancing on the board and is a lot of fun!
Anything you want to say to our AccesSurf ohana?
Access Surf really helps make incredible things happen and it’s really fun.