My name is Justin Silva I suffered a stroke about three years ago. Due to an AVM that I didn’t know I had. The first time I heard about AccesSurf was  about 2 years ago i was on Oahu for my annual CT scan. I stared out the window as my gf was driving through Waikiki and I noticed a lot of people with disabilities. So we parked the car and walked over. We talked to some people there and they explained what was going on. It was a surf contest by AccesSurf held once a year. It definitely uplifted my spirits that so many people with disabilities still surf or do outdoor activities in the water. From that day forward It lit a fire in me and I started to fly up every couple months and go to AccesSurf Day at the Beach. I also started to go to Kore pretty much like access surf here on Kauai.  AccesSurf is amazing it gave me hope that I could get back to doing what I love surfing. It also opened my eyes that there are other people like me since i live on Kauai a small island I don’t meet many people with disabilities. This gave me hope that the possibilities are endless. I’ve met so many people with disabilities that have later become my friends. Everyone at AccesSurf is so welcoming and is always willing to share their knowledge about adaptive surfing. Thank you!!

Jeremy - Surfer of the Month