1. Complete our Participant form and waiver (only need to fill this in 1x/year)

2. When registering, use the same email you entered into the Participant Form and Waiver.

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If you do not see the “Register” button, please try again with the same email you used to complete the Participant Form and Waiver.

Thank you

University of Hawaii Seal image

University of Hawai’i

Consent to Participate in a Research Project

Simone Schmid, Principal Investigator

Project title: Metabolic equivalents of outrigger canoe paddling for health equity

AccesSurf Hawaii main logo

Aloha! You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Simone Schmid, PhD (University of Hawaii at Manoa: Office of Public Health Services / Hawai‘i Department of Health), Lance Ching, Phd (Hawai‘i Department of Health), PhD, Ann Yoshida, PhD, ( AccesSurf Hawaii), and Daniel Heil, PhD (Montana State University).

What am I being asked to do?

If you participate in this project, you will be asked to participate at a half day canoe clinic, at which we will ask you to paddle in a six-person Outrigger Canoe (OC6) for 30-45 minutes at certain intensities, while you might wear no equipment, non-invasive devices (e.g. heart rate monitor) and 2 to 4 paddlers per canoe wear a mask measuring oxidant consumption and carbon dioxide production (“used oxidant”) (Vo2)  and to measure the expenditure output it takes to paddle at that level.

Taking part in this study is your choice.

You can choose to take part or you can choose not to take part in this study. You also can change your mind at any time. If you stop being in the study, there will be no penalty or loss to you.

Why is this study being done?

The purpose of our project is to establish the metabolic equivalent (energy output) for outrigger canoe paddling. I am asking you to participate because you are an eligible paddler with any or most of the following characteristics (recreational or athletic paddler, who can swim and is comfortable to potentially wear a VO2 mask and other data recording equipment while paddling in a canoe in open ocean). *Not every paddler will get to wear the VO2 mask/ support paddler might wear non-invasive devices for simple energy usage data e.g. heart Rate (HR).

What will happen if I decide to take part in this study?

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to do the following:  (show interest: already done), sign an AccesSurf Form and Waiver (already done, with this informed consent you indicate that the AccessMETs team is allowed to use the demographics information you provided in an anonymous way, e.g. your gender and age for the reports without your name), sign a consent form (the form you are reading right now), register for the event which includes questions about your physical activity and your paddling history (approx. 10 minutes), fill in three ACSM questions (for safety purposes), and finally come to the canoe side at Sand Island (unless changed), do a height and weight measurements (3 minutes) at separate tent at event, (this can be done the week prior to the event for any paddler with SCI who prefer an accessible scale at the Rehab of the Pacific), participate in the opening circle and be available for about 45 minutes of paddling Thursday, March 7th (competitive paddler only), March 9th (for male paddlers) and 10th (for female paddlers) of 2024 (or alternatives dates if needed).  You can stay for the duration of the entire event if you like.

You will be one paddler of six paddlers in an OC6. You will most likely be one of 60 paddlers in total.  There will be pictures and videos taken (not for research purposes, but to report the event to the paddling communities as requested by our community advisory hui).

What are the risks and benefits of taking part in this study?

The weather at the day of the event could prevent the study. In which case we will perform testing on land instead. If you are selected to wear the Vo2 mask you could become uncomfortable. The canoe could “huli” (flip) during the testing, like any practice/ race you enter. We will give safety instructions to every canoe going out. We have additional safety precautions in place (e.g., lifevests in boat).

If you are starting to feel unwell during the exercise, please inform your steersperson. As you are being asked to paddle at your 100%, you might feel exhausted afterwards.

Participating in a collaborative canoe day with other paddlers from the community. If being tested, you can request your own personal raw data of the paddling exercise. With the results of this project, we hope to benefit the culturally relevant sport of OC paddling in Hawaii and worldwide in general.

Results of Research:

Results for this research project will be presented to the Community Advisory Hui and the information will be disseminated as recommended by the Community Advisory Hui. In addition, this information will be presented potentially in local, national and/ or international conference(s).

Privacy and Confidentiality:

Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission or as required by law. Confidentiality will be maintained by means of limited personnel having access to the raw data (Simone Schmid, Danie Heil, Exercise Scientist and Data Expert for data analysis), deidentifying the data before further use, keeping it on a password protected computer. Each participant who would like to obtain their own data will have the opportunity to do so.

This event will potentially be photographed and video recording for community educational.

In addition, any photograph or video taken by public audience is outside of the research team’s control.

Other agencies that have legal permission have the right to review research records. The University of Hawaii Human Studies Program has the right to review research records for this study. When I report the results of my research project, I will not use your name. I will not use any other personal identifying information that can identify you. I will use pseudonyms (fake names) and report my findings in a way that protects your privacy and confidentiality to the extent allowed by law.

Future Research Studies:

Identifiers will be removed from your identifiable private information and study data collected. Once data analysis is completed, and publications, I will destroy the identifying data.


You will get lunch after the data collection and if of interest/possible your own data.


If you have any questions about this study, please call or email accessmets@gmai.com or call UH 808-956-5781, or AccesSurf808-236-4200.

You may contact the UH Human Studies Program at 808.956.5007 or uhirb@hawaii.edu.  to discuss problems, concerns and questions; obtain information; or offer input with an informed individual who is unaffiliated with the specific research protocol.  Please visit http://go.hawaii.edu/jRd for more information on your rights as a research participant.

I give permission to join the research project entitled, Metabolic equivalents of outrigger canoe paddling for health equity